by Charles E Lewis Jr | Nov 6, 2024
I spent the morning communicating with family, friends, colleagues, and students, devastated by the thought of Donald Trump returning to the White House in January. The depressing news hit me like a ton of bricks this morning when I learned the election results. I...
by Charles E Lewis Jr | Aug 23, 2024
As I watched the Democratic National Committee’s convention last week and listened to many pundits describe it as flawless, I thought about how much of Motown’s success was due to its meticulous grooming of its artists and the music they presented. You have to be a...
by Charles E Lewis Jr | Jul 25, 2024
The political landscape appears to be a swirling sandstorm with Kamala Harris’s ascension to the top spot of the Democratic ticket. After agonizing weeks of waiting to see if President Biden would accept the bleak prognosis for his reelection, he finally...
by Charles E Lewis Jr | Jul 17, 2024
I was surprised by Trump’s selection of J.D. Vance as his running mate. Vance was a late convert to the MAGA cult. He offered several deprecating appraisals of Donald Trump during the runup to the 2016 election, referring to him as “cultural heroin” and fearing Trump...
by Charles E Lewis Jr | Jul 8, 2024
November 5, 2024, looms as a defining day in the struggle to preserve democracy in the United States. Democrats seek to fend off Donald Trump’s quest to usher in his brand of authoritarianism. The Supreme Court has set the stage with its determination that the...
by Charles E Lewis Jr | May 25, 2023
The Democratic Party has a long history of poor communications. President Jimmy Carter helped to undermine his chances for reelection by handing Republicans a public relations gift that is enshrined in the Hall of Fame of political gaffs. Although he never uttered the...
by Charles E Lewis Jr | Apr 11, 2023
The Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School tracks the perceptions of young voters aged 18 to 29 years old with their semi-annual national polls. In the spring of 2021, pollsters found that despite the chaotic state of American politics, hope for the...
by Charles E Lewis Jr | Dec 21, 2022
Congressman Hakeem Jeffries is well-prepared to walk onto the biggest stage of his life. On January 3, 2023, he will make history when he succeeds the incomparable Nancy Pelosi as the leader of the Democratic Party. It is a tall order. Speaker Pelosi is generally...
by Charles E Lewis Jr | Nov 13, 2022
Those who favor the Democratic Party’s policies can breathe a sigh of relief that the red wave never materialized. I had my doubts. President Biden had the best outcome for a president during the midterm elections in 20 years since the Republicans gained 8 seats in...